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4:19 p.m. - Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004
tonight - eek!
Wish me luck kids. I'm going out man-hunting tonight. At least, that's how it feels to me today. I'm not going to meet people, or have fun and relax (relax? Ha! Who am I even kidding). Nope, I'm going out to snare me a man or three.

You know, the last two times I did this, it didn't feel quite so pathetic.


Yeah, so I'm rocking the curls today; luckily, I'm actually having a halfway decent hair day. And I've decided to go with simple and just a little girly with both the clothes and the make-up. I don't want to be over done, I just want to be kind of pretty.

Okay, I know my emotions are out-of-whack today anyway, but right now, it feels like so much of my self-esteem is riding on this it's not even funny.


And yet again, I have occasion to be grateful for the fact that I just do not bruise.

See, yesterday, I went all graceful and fell down in the bathroom. On the trip from walking to a heap on the floor, I managed to maim (a) my right knee, (b) my left wrist, (c) my left shoulder and (d) the entire left side of my face. My face was a little red and puffy yesterday, but today you can't even tell anything happened. Well, I mean, I can tell since it still hurts like a bitch, and I'm sure it's going to be excruciating to put on makeup, but god, right after it happened, I had visions of heading out tonight looking like I just got beaten up.

So yeah, it's good that I don't bruise.

The only place you can even tell that something happened by looking at me is my wrist, since I took out a chunk of skin about 3/8" wide and about an inch or so long. That's looking pretty ugly, let me tell you. I'm undecided between bandaging it up or not for tonight.

I am such a clumsy fuck sometimes.


God, I have to think about something else other than tonight.

I really really do.

I'm not entirely sure why I care so much.


P.S. Fine, it's a guinea pig. But I can call it a bunny, if I want to.


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